AnyOpt - Predicting and Optimizing IP Anycast Performance

SigComm 2021

Zhang, Xiao, Tanmoy Sen, Zheyuan Zhang, Tim April, Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, David Choffnes, Bruce M. Maggs, Haiying Shen, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, and Xiaowei Yang. “AnyOpt: Predicting and Optimizing IP Anycast Performance,” 447–62. Virtual Event USA: ACM, 2021.


AT&T > Spectrum > Verizon > AT&T … They exclude

optimize mean latency for all customers , select subset.


The Simple Plant Location Problem (SPLP) is an optimization problem that determines the optimal placement of facilities (e.g., factories) to minimize the total cost, which includes both facility setup costs and transportation costs.
Example: Deciding in which cities to build factories to achieve the lowest overall logistics cost.

The Simple Plant Location Problem with Preference Orderings (SPLPO) extends SPLP by incorporating client preferences for each facility location.
In this case: Clients have a "preference order" for the facilities, such as favoring closer facilities over others, and the optimization is performed based on these preferences.

After deployment, we can include the beneficial peering links discovered using the one-pass method described below.

Solves 2 problem

  1. Subset selection problem
    • selecting and announcing 12 sites, reduced the average RTT by 33ms compared to a greedy method with the same number of sites.
  2. Catchment Prediction + Latency Estimation
    • First choose a random subset R from all sites. Use each client network’s total preference order (among this subset) under a BGP announcement order for predicting the client network’s most preferred site among R and its RTT to its catchment site. (ONLY clients that exhibit total order is predicted)
    • Actually deploy and compare the results.
    • Result: Using 15 anycast sites, predicted 15,300 client catchments, with 94.7% accuracy and an average RTT error of 4.6%.


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Detailed Notes
How to measure RTT?
- Everything is same as Verfploeter, but this testbed uses individual IP prefix for different Sites. Ping sent from one site, and responded at that site.

Remaining Questions


I want to make an algorithm that can optimize and suggest a new site for anycast.

My point

The assumption for this algorithm to work is

  1. we have a set of many anycast sites and we want to reduce the number of anycast sites and optimizes the customer of latency.
  2. our sites are directly connected to tier-1 Transit providers
    But, the problem we want to solve needs an algorithm that can
  3. we already have a small set of few anycast sites, but we want to add a new site that optimizes the customer of latency.
  4. sites may not be connected to tier-1 Transit providers

The paper did not discuss

I want to solve my problem in different ways.(by using BGP messages & using anycast sites history)

this relates to - Modeling BGP map (Explainable Anycast)

Few thoughts
Difference in experiment settings

  1. B-root(and other anycast services) is non-profit organizations, who might not directly peer with Tier-1 AS.
  2. Akamai may not had “effective” peers, but these institutions might do. (I.e., Los Nettos is a good example)
  3. We don’t have Akamai’s root detecting algorithm, but we have infra for end-user pinging. (But we need to build system for site-level latency measuring)

• 1. From "Anycast Latency: How Many Sites Are Enough?”, we know that few sites can provide performance nearly as good as many, and that geographic location and good connectivity have a far stronger effect on latency than having many sites.

TODO read reference

"An anycast-based CDN faces a similar configuration challenge. For a CDN service provider, the latency between a client and an edge server can have a multiplicative effect on page-load times, given the many round-trips typically required to download various resources. Therefore, reducing latency by even tens of milliseconds can result in a substantial reduction of page-load times [22]."

[22] Thomas Koch, Ke Li, Calvin Ardi, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Matt Calder, and John Heidemann. 2021. Anycast in Context: A Tale of Two Systems. In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (Virtual Event) (SIGCOMM ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 20.

"IP anycast has long been used by Internet services to provide automatic load balancing and latency reduction among service replicas. Previous work focuses on measuring the performance of deployed IP anycast systems, including DNS root servers [6, 11, 17, 22, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29] and CDNs [7, 12, 22]."

[24] Matthew Lentz, Dave Levin, Jason Castonguay, Neil Spring, and Bobby Bhattacharjee. 2013. D-Mystifying the D-Root Address Change. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference (Barcelona, Spain) (IMC ’13). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 57–62.

[26] Jinjin Liang, Jian Jiang, Haixin Duan, Kang Li, and Jianping Wu. 2013. Measuring Query Latency of Top Level DNS Servers. In Passive and Active Measurement, Matthew Roughan and Rocky Chang (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 145–154. 4_15

[27] Ziqian Liu, Bradley Huffaker, Marina Fomenkov, Nevil Brownlee, and kc claffy. 2007. Two Days in the Life of the DNS Anycast Root Servers. In Passive and Active Network Measurement, Steve Uhlig, Konstantina Papagiannaki, and Olivier Bonaventure (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 125–134. 3- 540- 71617- 4_13

This result may not hold for other anycast networks where peering connections attract larger amounts of traffic, but Schlinker et al. also observed that peer routes and provider routes had similar performance in terms of latency for the Facebook network [35].
[35] Brandon Schlinker, Italo Cunha, Yi-Ching Chiu, Srikanth Sundaresan, and Ethan Katz-Bassett. 2019. Internet Performance from Facebook’s Edge. In Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (IMC ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 179–194.